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macOS Event Monitor Daemon (Emond) is a srvices that allows users to register rules to perform actions when specific events are triggered, for example "system startup". Emond can be leveraged to acheive persistence on macOS. Starting on macOS Ventura (13) emond has been removed.

Other Parsers:

  • None


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "emond_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "emond"
# Optional
# alt_path = ""

Collection Options

  • alt_pathUse an alternative path to the Emond files. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will read the Emond config file to determine file paths

Output Structure

An array of Emond entries

export interface Emond {
/**Name of `Emond` rule */
name: string;
/**Is rule enabled */
enabled: boolean;
/**Event types associated with the rule */
event_types: string[];
/**Start time of the rule */
start_tiem: string;
/**If partial criteria match should trigger the rule */
allow_partial_criterion_match: boolean;
/**Array of commad actions if rule is triggered */
command_actions: Command[];
/**Array of log actions if rule is triggered */
log_actions: Log[];
/**Array of send email actions if rule is triggered */
send_email_actions: SendEmailSms[];
/**Array of send sms actions if rule is triggered. Has same structure as send email */
send_sms_actions: SendEmailSms[];
/**Criteria for the `Emond` rule */
criterion: Record<string, unknown>[];
/**Variables associated with the criterion */
variables: Record<string, unknown>[];
/**If the emond client is enabled */
emond_clients_enabled: boolean;

* Commands to execute if rule is triggered
interface Command {
/**Command name */
command: string;
/**User associated with command */
user: string;
/**Group associated with command */
group: string;
/**Arguments associated with command */
arguments: string[];

* Log settings if rule is triggered
interface Log {
/**Log message content */
message: string;
/**Facility associated with log action */
facility: string;
/**Level of log */
log_level: string;
/**Log type */
log_type: string;
/**Parameters associated with log action */
parameters: Record<string, unknown>;

* Email or SMS to send if rule is triggered
interface SendEmailSms {
/**Content of the email/sms */
message: string;
/**Subject of the email/sms */
subject: string;
/**Path to local binary */
localization_bundle_path: string;
/**Remote URL to send the message */
relay_host: string;
/**Email associated with email/sms action */
admin_email: string;
/**Targerts to receive email/sms */
recipient_addresses: string[];